The King of Formats Gets a New Feature

Picture of Selma Filipovic

Selma Filipovic

With over two decades of design experience, Selma is a trusted collaborator, delivering integrated digital, print, and web design solutions for the ever-evolving multi-channel marketing landscape.

In the digital world, the Portable Document Format (PDF) is still the king of formats. Known for handling everything from business documents to interactive presentations, PDF has long been the go-to format for diverse content. Yet, its dominance faces a challenge in mobile usability, where its fixed layout leads to clunky zooming and scrolling on small screens. In response, Adobe has unveiled “Liquid Mode” in its mobile app for a more adaptable, smoother reading experience.

PDF in the Mobile Era

Originating over thirty years ago at Adobe, the PDF has been a cornerstone in document consistency across different devices and operating systems. Its versatility extends to incorporating various content types — from text to multimedia elements like video, audio, and interactivity. Known for its print-friendliness, PDF also excels as a unified file solution, easily shared across platforms like the web, email, and social media. Its capacity for password protection adds a crucial layer of security for confidential documents. 

Traditionally designed to maintain exact formatting, PDFs struggle with adaptability on mobile devices, often leading to user frustration during navigation. To address this, Adobe introduced Liquid Mode, powered by Adobe Sensei. This technology embraces responsive design principles, dynamically adjusting PDF layouts to fit various mobile screen sizes and orientations. It intelligently recognizes and reorganizes a PDF’s components — text, images, headers — ensuring an optimized reading experience.

Liquid Mode’s AI carefully analyzes the relationships and hierarchy within the document, enabling precise reformatting. The content is reflowed to fit mobile screens, with text and images resized for better readability and accessibility.

Adobe Reader Liquid Mode

While Liquid Mode’s automated process significantly enhances mobile usability, it’s not infallible. For best results, we still need to structure, tag, and order individual elements at design stage. This guidance is especially crucial for complex, multi-column layouts, ensuring a smoother reflow and maintaining the intended reading order.

Designing for Tomorrow

Our goal for the future is clear: enhance document accessibility for all users. This objective demands content that not only recognizes but fully leverages emerging technologies. The PDF, traditionally a static format, is transforming to meet the demands of modern users. With innovations like Liquid Mode, the PDF continues to reign, adapting to the ever-evolving digital landscape. Its steadfast reliability, universality, security, and offline accessibility ensure its royal status is well-deserved.

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